Capital Campaign Update:
We are over $2.5 million thanks to our donors!
Will you help us reach our $4 million goal?
Capital Campaign
Capital Campaign Donors
Thank you to all of our generous donors for helping us sustain the arts in the region.
Julie & Marshall Linn, III
$100,000 +
Polk County Board of Supervisors
Tom & Linda Koehn
Prairie Meadows
Ruan Family Foundation
Steve & Renee Schaaf
$75,000 to $99,999
$75,000 to $99,999
Easter Family Foundation
Gerry & Mary Lou Neugent
$50,000 to $74,999
$50,000 to $74,999
Emily & Cory Abbas
Bravo Greater Des Moines
Tom* & Cathy Goldman
MidAmerican Energy
Holly & Mark Lyons
Roger & Sändra Spahr
George Sparks
Dotty Thurston
Bob & Molly Veenstra
$25,000 to $49,999
$25,000 to $49,999
Don & Margo Blumenthal
Suzie Glazer Burt
The Coons Foundation
EMC Insurance
Allison & Jim Fleming
F&C Hubbell Family Foundation
Bill & Barb Keck
Linda & Jeff Lamberti
Nix & Virginia Lauridsen
Polly Moore
Jill & Mark Oman
Melinda & Charles Ruperto Foundation
Sehgal Foundation
Bruce & Celeste Stoltze
John & Maryann Vedder
Paul Woodard
Krenio Wright*
$10,000 to $24,999
$10,000 to $24,999
Gregory & Andrea Abel
Sarabeth & William Anderson
Atlantic Bottling Company
Bankers Trust
Dianne Banning
Harry Bookey & Pam Bass-Bookey
Darca Boom & Dennis Klein
Mathew & Suzy Coen
Linda J Cohen
Cole-Belin Education Foundation
Meg & Jeff Courter
Lonnie Dafney & Family
Jo Ann Davis
Dotdash Meredith
Gloria & Art Filean
John Fisher & Jann Freed
Sue & Steve Gibbons
Patsy & Dr Larry Goetz
Lynn & Steve Graves
Grinnell State Bank
Debbie & Michael Hubbell
Laura C Ingram
Linda Juckette
Melissa Kellar
Dr James* & Mary Ellen* Kimball
La Mie Bakery
Russ & Mary Marshall
Meredith Corporation Foundation
Jane Meyer
Carol & Greg Millar
Susan B Moore
Mary O’Keefe & Jeff Nall
Dr James J Pullen*
Darlene & Mark Pullen
Elisabeth & Shane Sandersfeld
Clemens J Smith Charitable Foundation
Jeanie & Bill Smith
David & Barbara White
Malinda Wiesner & Dr Gary Hammerstrom
Windsor Charitable Foundation
$5,000 to $9,999
$5,000 to $9,999
Stu Bassman
Jan Burch & Bob Mitchell
Pati & Jason Burt
Brian Clark & Ann Reinhart
Brendan & Christine Comito
Jeff Couch
Peter & Melody Dean and Family
Sue Dittmer & Bonnie Hodson
Carrie & Craig Dostal
Karen Engman
Toni K Farris
Angela & Terry Gallagher
Rosalie Gallagher
Rose & Jim Green and Family
Sheila Hartung
Joanie & Dan Houston
Al & Ann* Jennings
Barbara & David R Kilpatrick
Angie Lampe
Merchants Bonding
Northwest Des Moines Rotary
Anastasia Polydoran
Colleen Powell
Peter & Rita Reed
Paul & Claudia Schickler
John Schmidt & Deb Wiley
Jan & Layton Stump
Dawn Taylor
Maureen Roach Tobin & Terry Tobin
Ed & Nancy Truslow
Wawak Charity Fund
Anne & Ivan Webber
$2,500 to $4,999
$2,500 to $4,999
Nick & Liz Andersen
Mollie & Britt Baker
Jim & Janine Clark
Mark Clark & Katie Roth
Ashley & Dr Vaun DeJong
Jim Fogarty
Londa & Michael Fuller
Debi L Garner and John S Richards
Ann & Michael Gersie
John & Ann Grist Family Foundation
Michelle & Dr Greg Haessler
Kimberly Hansen
Israel Family Fund
Steve Jayne & Karen Shaff
Phyllis Mumford-Sovern & Kent Sovern
Lincoln Savings Bank
Candice Nardini
Henry G & Norma A Peterson Charitable Trust
Michelle & Reed Pulver
Artis Reis & Mark Smith
Charles & Kathy Safris
Sam Scheidler
Becky Scholtec
Sammons (Midland Life Insurance)
Julie West & Brent Isenberger
$1,000 to
$1,000 to $2,499
Anonymous (2)
James A Arthur
Susan & John Aschenbrenner
Lee Ann Bakros
Jim Benda & Lou Van Daele
Linda Blair
Timothy & Wanda Blount
Steve & Katie Brooks
Deanne Caudle
Joyce & Rick Chapman
Dr Ken Cheyne
Rosemary Chiodo
Brendan & Christine Comito
Cooper Smith + Co
Susan Cowles
Ryan Crane & Trevor Nail
Bob Culbert & Lynne Paulsen
David Darrell
Mike & Melanie Dayton
Philip Dorweiler*
Jerry & Susan Eisenhour
William & Leona Farris
Mark Feldman & Dr Teri Wahlig
DC Felton
Lois Gambill
Jonathan & Nenad Garton
Scott Gire & Steven Linn
Molly & Tyler Hackman
Steve & Cheryl Hamilton
Lori & Larry Hartsook
Marilyn Harvey
Adam Haselhuhn
Jon & Barbara Hrabe
F&C Hubbell Family Foundation
Ken & Mary Beth Hughes
Lana Jones-Gould & Charlie Schafer
Mary K and Daniel M Kelly Family Foundation
Dale Klocksiem
Kent & Karen Klopfenstein
Mike & Pam Kulik
Mary Langen
Meyer & Jen Lehman
Chris & Bob Lewis
Joanna & Tim Lowe
LaRue & Bob Maddox
Teresa Mathews
Dick & Susie McCauley
Paul W Miller
Theresa Moran
Candice Nardini
John & Kathy Niemann
Mary Oothout
Judy Porter & Gary Cromer
The Ream Family
Dianne Riley
Anne Rozeboom
Wayne & Jan Schneider
Jack Schreiber
Jaey & Brenda Sedlacek
Richard and Jackie Seibert
Mary & Stan Seidler
Mike Simpson
Robin & Brett Spahr
Suzanne Stanton
Jeff & Susan Stroud
Table Church
US Bank Foundation
Jana Van Dam
Dorothy & Jim Vickery
Lloyd & Julie Von Hagen
Kelly & Kevin Waetke
Les & Julie Watts
Harvey & Rita Weinberg
Wells Fargo
Jim & Ann Willer
Norman & Charlotte Willis
Lucinda Wonderlich-Fuller & Jeffrey Fuller
Up to $1,000
Up to $1,000
Anonymous (7)
Frederick Ahr
Bonnie Allen
Jon Alsip
Mary & Lon Andersen
Carrie Anderson
Carroll Anderson
Judy Anderson
Ed Augustine & Nancy Price
Shashank Aurora
Babich Sarcone, PLLC
Leslie Babich & Stacy Wanderscheid
Greg Bailey
Richard Banyard
Ann Barfels
Jane Bartling
Jill Bassman & Jeff Lamson
Dennis & Sally Bates
Kathleen Baustian
Stacie Bendixen
Stephanie Benham
Etta Berkowitz & Donald Mostrom
Tricia & Adam Berry
The Bianchi Family
Kimberly & Anthony Bisignano
Margie Bloomcamp
Dani & Michael Boal
Steven Bobenhouse & Nancy Lavender-Bobenhouse
Kyle Bochart
Jeanette Bodermann
Connie Boesen
Meredith & Robert Boesen
Elaine Bohling
Linda & UJ Booth
Erica Bral
Susan Bravard
Greg & Susan Bridge
Kenneth Briggs
Mia Buch
John Bunz
Chris & Zora Burch
Amecah Butts
Linda Carlson
Bryce Carse
Ann Cidoni
John & Holly Clark
Tom & Jill Clark
Sydney Coder
Joseph Comito
Tara & Trent Condon
Charles & Nancy Conroy
Judi & Mark Cooper
Julie & Mike Coppola
Jane Ann Cotton
Lynne & Berkeley Coyne
Karen Cross
Theresa Cummings
Deb Cupples
Joshua Dahle
David Darrell
Mark Davis & Rose Lyle
Patty & Kent Davis
Eileen & Keith Denner
Rebekah & Louis DeWild
Lesley Dolan
Jason & Kristine Dreckman
Deborah Dunham
Leloie Dutemple
Susan Dunn
Sondra Eddings
Randy Ehrhardt
Jerry & Susan Eisenhour
Tracy & Bill Ekhardt
Troy Ellerbroek
Karen Engman
Matt & Lexi Faber
Connie Fanselow
Gloria Fargo
Kathie Farris
David Faux
Hillary Fieldsend & John Krantz
Lois Fingerman
Dean & Susan Forbes
Anthony & Marla Forret
Steve & Chris Fraher
Debra Franzen
Tim & Julie Fuller
Nicholas Galioto
Juli & Bob Goerend
Nancy & Robert Goldhammer
Kem Green
Kathryn Griffin
Jeff & Sue Grimes
Rick Gubbels & Tracy Lewis
Terri Haaland
Kara Haberkamp
Alma Hackbart
John & Lori Hackett
Jan Hall
Doug Hammerand
Elizabeth Hansen
Richard Hansen & Jill Thompson Hansen
Mark & Thalya Hanson
Lois Harms
John Harrison
R Michael & Lorrie Hayes
Sarah & James Hayes
Jamie Claywell Herrera
Vicki Hertko
Nick & Kaleigh Hitsman
Michelle Hixson
Connie & Eric Hockett
Judy & Robert Hoffman
Jared Holtgrewe
Home Instead
Susan Hough
Martha James & Mike Myszewski
Steve Jayne & Karen Shaff
Dixie Jeffries
Teresa & Jeff Joens
Barbara John
Bruce & Lyn Johnson
Andrea Joss
Allaire Jutting
Tyler & Jessica Kamerman
Nancy Kane & David Holt
Kim Kaplan
Shirley Kleywegt
Holly Klotz
Pat Knowles
Kathleen Koenig
Janet Koerner
Janet T Koerner
Tyler & Carrie Kruse
Amy Kumagai
Julie Larson
Lee LaRue
Richard & Diana Latch
Jean & Jerry Leibold
Laura Leonard
Jill Lippincott
Kara Lipson
Cheryl & Greg Long
Christine Green Louscher
Susan Low & Charles Frederichi
Byron & Margaret Ludington
Aliza MacKenzie
Kris Maggard
Robert & Joanne Mahaffey
Richard & Judy Majeres
Carol Mapes
Marilyn & Ronald Marr
Kent & Sheila Mauck
Marva & Vince McCarty
Linda McClure
Patti McClure
Amanda & Dan McCurley
Linda McDaniel
Louise McDonald
Bill & Pat McGill
Michael Meacham
Marilyn Melcher
Robert & Barbara Merrill
Rick Miller
Dick & Sharon Montgomery
Mark Morrison
Barbara Mydland
Anna & Bobby Nalean
James & Jene Nemecek
Ann Nesbit
Dean Nihart
Eric Olmscheid & Adam Yankowy
Carol Palmer & Dan Chase
Kelli Paskert
Manisha Paudel
Kathy & Kevin Paul
Dean Paulsen & Sons Contractors
Preshia Paulding
Gloria Perry
Roger & Sandy Ploeger
Christina Pohl
Paula & Jim Poli
Doug Postel
Thomas & Julie Preisser
Judith Randall
Peggy & Layne Rasmussen
Jane Reese
The Rempe Family
Bianca Rowland
Christopher Rozenboom
Sandy Ruhs
Annie Salgado
Josh & Megan Sampson
Michael & Allison Schaeffer
Anne Scherer
John Schmidt & Deb Wiley
Denise Schmitt
Dawn & Mike Schneider
Chis & Melissa Schnucker
Erica Schultes
Brena Schwartz-Corona
Sara Scott & Steve Rowley
Rachel Seltz-Falk & Adam Falk
Chandrakant & Hasu Shah
Walter & Shirley Sharp
Norma Shepard
Bruce & Barb Sherman
Vickie Shipley
Robert & Jean Shires
Phillip & Diana Sickles
Steve & Penny Sikkink
Katherine Sircy & David Wright
Amy & Lynn Skarin
Sally Cooper Smith
Chuck & Meg Smith
Eldon & Rebecca Smith
Robert Snyder
Tori Squires
Ronald Stearns
Richard Stephenson
Phyllis Strasser
Evon & Marc Swanson
Tilda Brown Swanson & Dick Swanson
Jean Swanson
Kelly Swift
Marsha & Mike Szymczuk
Carol Taylor
Rick & Shirley Taylor
Rick & Tina Thompson
Maureen Roach Tobin & Terry Tobin
Leah Tokheim
Paula Toms
Nicole Topliff
CoraLynn & Matt Trewet
Russ & Alana Trimble
Derek & Jill Trobaugh
Peni, Brynn, & Jensan Tussey
Ann & Marty Ungs
Steve Van Brocklin
Jessica Van Essen
Catherine Venzke
Andreas Wahle
Leyria Walters
Mary Beth Ware
Ann Waynar
Harvey & Rita Weinberg
Dawn Weis
Doug & Debbie West
Linda & Neal Westergaard
West Property Management
Mary Whisenand
Lu Ann White
Elizabeth & Josh Whitver
Margo Wildung
Dee Willemsen
Lisa & Daniel Winn
Phyllis Wolfe
Paul & Fonda Womack
Jessica & Christopher Worden
Susan E Wright
David Wright & Katherine Sircy
Kasi Zieminksi
Mary Zirkelbach
Steve & Kathy Zumbach
How to Contribute
Become a Star in The Playhouse Future
Gifts of every size matter. Your contribution will continue to enrich the lives of many people and modernize our artistic home and community asset. There are many ways to donate, you can send a check or donate online by using the button below.
For more information about being a part of the 2022 Capital Campaign, please contact Jordan Bles, Director of Philanthropy at 515.974.5370 or