Capital Campaign
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Why Give
Be a Part of Their Future
With more than 100 years of uninterrupted service, The Playhouse is among the oldest continuously operating community theatres in the U.S.
The kids in our community rely upon this theatre. This is where many find a sense of belonging they experience nowhere else. Our new facility will maintain a family atmosphere, be welcoming to all, and continue to serve as a community facility — one which is planned, constructed, and utilized for the enjoyment of the community.
But we can’t do it without people like you. Begin today and enrich our community for future generations.
“Thank you, again, for all you do for the children and families in our community. The education and other resources The Playhouse provides truly make our world a better place!”
Education Parent
Enriching the Community through…
Children’s Theatre
Since its opening, the Kate Goldman Children’s Theatre has presented programming for young audiences, served as a classroom, and hosted a variety of fundraising events including our 100th Year Anniversary Cast party and Celebration Dinner.
Today, it remains an integral part of The Playhouse’s offerings to the community.
Theatre Education
Education classes began as early as 1928, shortly after the theatre acquired its first permanent home. Through the early years, educational activities continued to expand. And by 1949, the Junior Theatre was born and its first production, The Five Little Peppers debuted. It was so well received by the community that the theatre’s board of directors realized the children of Des Moines were starved for live theatre.
With community support, we were able to make major renovations five years ago to a building we call home. Unfortunately, the children’s theatre, classrooms, costume and properties departments, and the staff offices were left untouched due to budget constraints.
These new facilities will play a huge role for a more collaborative, safe, and theatrical experience for both staff and the kids.

Today Begins With You
With this new facility and improvements, we will serve the whole community, providing age-appropriate educational offerings and entertainment in a safe and comfortable environment. Here’s where your roles begins. We are asking YOU, to help us enhance the arts in the region by giving to our capital campaign.
Today Begins With You
With this new facility and improvements, we will serve the whole community, providing age-appropriate educational offerings and entertainment in a safe and comfortable environment. Here’s where your roles begins. We are asking YOU, to help us enhance the arts in the region by giving to our capital campaign.

The Playhouse Impact
The Playhouse Impact
From Today’s Shortcomings to
Tomorrow’s Benefits
The Playhouse youth theatre facilities have not evolved to meet the needs of the modern audiences. Our seating is uncomfortable and inflexible. Our theatre technology was minimal 26 years ago and hasn’t grown. Our support spaces are not fully capable of serving all participants who want to experience theatre. We do not have enough classroom spaces to accommodate the ever-changing demand.
It’s time to correct that problem. See how today’s shortcomings turn into tomorrow’s benefits.
Today’s Shortcomings
Not enough space to meet current demand.
Tomorrow’s Benefits
Increase classrooms, expand storage, add dressing rooms to allow educational programming to grow.
Seating Capacity, Safety & Configuration
Today’s Shortcomings
Virtually fixed seating.
Our current system of snow fencing and homemade railings provide minimal stability.
2 days needed to convert to any other configuration.
Tomorrow’s Benefits
Completely adaptive.
More modern seating system will be adaptive to provide secure handrails and prevent seats slipping.
Minimal time required to create a special environment to meet the needs of the performance.
Additional Backstage Space
Today’s Shortcomings
Minimal, with the inclusion of hallways for temporary storage during performances.
Tomorrow’s Benefits
Construction of dedicated storage system that will allow for maximum flexibility and accommodate performance requirements.
Today’s Shortcomings
27-year-old dimmer system and wiring with minimal upgrades to instruments.
Tomorrow’s Benefits
State-of-the-art, energy-efficient theatrical lighting with opportunities for technical theatre classes and a control system that will allow for mentoring and monitoring during the production.
Sound & Music
Today’s Shortcomings
15-year-old speaker and mixing board, borrowing microphones from the John Viars Theatre for musicals.
Tomorrow’s Benefits
State-of-the-art dedicated sound system that will provide positive theatre experiences for performers and audiences and upgraded acoustics to incorporate modern developments.
Costume Shop
Today’s Shortcomings
Current shop is located in inaccessible location with inadequate ventilation or appropriate lighting. The floor is not safe for older volunteers.
Tomorrow’s Benefits
Moved to a space on an exterior wall, allowing for appropriate venting, natural lighting, improved cell phone reception, and a more collaborative environment.
Climate Control System
Today’s Shortcomings
Current system has exceeded the lifespan of equipment and is unable to meet OSHA’s highest recommendations.
Tomorrow’s Benefits
Energy efficient, state-of-the-art, with appropriate filtering systems and better control systems.
Staff Offices
Today’s Shortcomings
Current staff offices are scattered throughout the building with inadequate connectivity, poor climate control and no access to natural light.
Tomorrow’s Benefits
Moved to a space on an exterior wall, allowing for natural lighting and interconnectivity with the outside world as well as centralized communication between all administrative positions.
How to Contribute
Become a Star in The Playhouse Future
Gifts of every size matter. Your contribution will continue to enrich the lives of many people and modernize our artistic home and community asset. There are many ways to donate, you can send a check or donate online by using the button below.
For more information about being a part of the 2022 Capital Campaign, please contact Jordan Bles, Director of Philanthropy, at 515.974.5370 or