Join Edgar Allan Crow and the Adventure Clubhouse at The Playhouse crew as they dramatize a favorite story using their imaginations and the costume pieces and props they find in their magic trunk.

Adventure Clubhouse is a creative, participatory story theatre program for children 4-6 years old and their adults. Children learn the Adventure Clubhouse secret handshake, the spell to open the magic storybook, and listen for the word of the day. A new story is presented each month! Students are encouraged to use their imaginations, read, develop creative thinking skills, and be inspired to explore their world.

2024-25 Adventure Clubhouse at The Playhouse Season

November 15, 2024

Is Goldie Rocks the perfect match for the Three Bears Band? Not too loud, not too soft, just rockin’!


December 13, 2024

Kindly elves help to make the holiday season magical for a Shoemaker’s family.


January 24, 2025

Watch what happens when some woodland animals find a lost magical mitten in the forest.

February 14, 2025

Find out if Billy can trick the silly old troll and become the Greatest Of All Time.

March 7, 2025

Who will outwit Leopard and bring harmony to the jungle?

April 11, 2025

Who knew that a beanstalk could lead to an unlikely friendship?

May 9, 2025

Over the river and through the woods, to Grandmother’s aid, we ride!

Ticket information
  • 2023-24 season shows are on selected Fridays at 10:00 AM and 1:30 PM. 2024-25 season shows are on selected Fridays at 9:30 AM, 10:45 AM, and 1:30 PM.
  • Seating is limited and reservations are recommended. Tickets may be purchased in advance for all shows.
  • Adventure Clubhouse at The Playhouse is reserved seating.
  • 2023-24 season show tickets are $6 all ages. 2024-25 show tickets are $7 all ages. You can choose your seats online. Tickets must be paid at the time of reservation.
  • Groups of 15+ are $5 per ticket. Groups must reserve through the ticket office at 515.277.6261 to receive the discount. Group tickets must be paid 21 days in advance of the show, or tickets will be released.
  • Each audience member regardless of age must purchase a ticket. Individual children (those not with a class or group) must be accompanied by an adult.
Bad weather?

Cancellations will be noted on the website and social media, and announced by the media wherever possible. Please be sure you include your email information and phone when ordering your tickets in the event we need to contact you. Tickets for a canceled performance may be exchanged for another performance. For information regarding weather-related situations, contact The Playhouse ticket office at 515.277.6261, beginning at 9:00 AM on an Adventure Clubhouse at The Playhouse date.

Audio Descriptions

Live audio description is provided by IRIS – Iowa Radio Reading Information Service for the blind and print handicapped and may be available on request. Please contact our ticket office at 515.277.6261 if you would like to use this free service.


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