The Penguin Project Production of Disney’s Frozen Jr

When faced with danger, Princesses Anna and Elsa discover their hidden potential and the powerful bond of sisterhood. With a cast of beloved characters and loaded with magic, adventure, and plenty of humor, Frozen Jr. is sure to thaw even the coldest heart.

The Penguin Project is a group of special needs artists who are joined on stage by a dedicated group of peer mentors—youths the same age without disabilities who have worked side-by-side with the artists through four months of rehearsals. By providing access to community theatre, The Penguin Project demonstrates that the special challenges of a disability should not handicap a child’s ability to participate in life’s experiences. Click here to learn more about The Penguin Project.

Performance Times:
7:00 PM Thursday-Saturday, 2:00 PM Sunday
Special Events
Run Time:
75 minutes, presented without intermission
Content Advisory:
Playhouse family theatre productions are intended for ages 5 and up.
Download Playbill


  • Artist: Olaf

    Elias Andersson

    Artist: Olaf
  • Mentor: Weselton

    Kyleigh Barlean

    Mentor: Weselton
  • Artist: Guard

    Logan Barlean

    Artist: Guard
  • Artist: Guard

    Luke Barlean

    Artist: Guard
  • Artist: Young Anna / Snow Chorus

    Ivelle Grace Bayasgalan

    Artist: Young Anna / Snow Chorus
  • Artist: King Agnarr / Oaken Family

    Max Bird

    Artist: King Agnarr / Oaken Family
  • Artist: Weselton

    Whitman Birk

    Artist: Weselton
  • Mentor: Anna

    Corley Blackford

    Mentor: Anna
  • Mentor: King Agnarr / Oaken Family

    Emery Blackford

    Mentor: King Agnarr / Oaken Family
  • Artist: Pabbie / Oaken Family

    DJ Brown

    Artist: Pabbie / Oaken Family
  • Mentor: Townsperson

    Harper Butterworth

    Mentor: Townsperson
  • Artist: Queen Induna / Oaken Family

    Anna Bylund

    Artist: Queen Induna / Oaken Family
  • Mentor: Queen Induna / Oaken Family

    Rhya Cowden

    Mentor: Queen Induna / Oaken Family
  • Artist: Snow Chorus

    Sofia Curtis

    Artist: Snow Chorus
  • Mentor: Castle Staff / Hidden Folk

    Maddie Deyen

    Mentor: Castle Staff / Hidden Folk
  • Mentor: Townsperson

    Isabelle Edge

    Mentor: Townsperson
  • Artist: Castle Staff / Hidden Folk

    Indigo Ekhardt

    Artist: Castle Staff / Hidden Folk
  • Artist: Townsperson

    Mia Fine

    Artist: Townsperson
  • Artist: Snow Chorus

    Kamilla Freeman

    Artist: Snow Chorus
  • Artist: Castle Staff / Hidden Folk

    Konnor Fynaardt

    Artist: Castle Staff / Hidden Folk
  • Artist: Sven

    Bowie Geigley

    Artist: Sven
  • Artist: Townsperson

    Jonah Gieseke

    Artist: Townsperson
  • Mentor: Elsa

    Kylie Halstead

    Mentor: Elsa
  • Technical Artist

    Owen Hartin

    Technical Artist
  • Artist: Hans

    Sawyer Hess

    Artist: Hans
  • Artist: Castle Staff / Hidden Folk

    Shae Hunt

    Artist: Castle Staff / Hidden Folk
  • Artist: Young Elsa / Snow Chorus

    Elizabeth Xiao Janni

    Artist: Young Elsa / Snow Chorus
  • Mentor: Kristoff

    Joshua Janni

    Mentor: Kristoff
  • Mentor: Sven

    Ainsley Jenkins

    Mentor: Sven
  • Mentor: Townsperson

    Kylie Jorgensen

    Mentor: Townsperson
  • Mentor: Oaken / Bishop

    Jaren Jorgenson

    Mentor: Oaken / Bishop
  • Mentor: Hans

    Liam Jorgenson

    Mentor: Hans
  • Mentor: Pabbie / Oaken Family

    Porter Kimble

    Mentor: Pabbie / Oaken Family
  • Mentor: Young Elsa / Snow Chorus

    Maddie Lehman

    Mentor: Young Elsa / Snow Chorus
  • Mentor: Young Anna / Snow Chorus

    Julia Neighbors

    Mentor: Young Anna / Snow Chorus
  • Mentor: Snow Chorus

    Lexi Neighbors

    Mentor: Snow Chorus
  • Mentor: Castle Staff / Hidden Folk

    Paige Neighbors

    Mentor: Castle Staff / Hidden Folk
  • Technical Artist

    Alexander Noah

    Technical Artist
  • Mentor: Swing

    Ingrid Oakley

    Mentor: Swing
  • Artist: Anna

    Izzabella Olson

    Artist: Anna
  • Artist: Bulda

    McKenna O'Meara

    Artist: Bulda
  • Mentor: Guard

    Mya Owens

    Mentor: Guard
  • Technical Artist

    Daniel Pietig

    Technical Artist
  • Mentor: Bulda

    Julia Richer

    Mentor: Bulda
  • Mentor: Snow Chorus

    Madison Sanders

    Mentor: Snow Chorus
  • Mentor: Olaf

    Knox Schupbach

    Mentor: Olaf
  • Technical Artist

    Alex Shaw

    Technical Artist
  • Artist: Elsa

    Sabina Shelton

    Artist: Elsa
  • Artist: Townsperson

    Xander Talbot

    Artist: Townsperson
  • Technical Artist

    Robert Thacker

    Technical Artist
  • Artist: Oaken / Bishop

    Conlon Topf

    Artist: Oaken / Bishop
  • Mentor: Guard

    Anabelle Weis

    Mentor: Guard
  • Mentor: Castle Staff / Hidden Folk

    Annie White

    Mentor: Castle Staff / Hidden Folk
  • Artist: Kristoff

    Eli Zimmerman

    Artist: Kristoff
  • Director

    Derek Phelps

  • Music Director

    Sarah Jorgenson

    Music Director
  • Choreographer

    Natalie Thomas

  • Scenic Designer/Technical Director

    Nicholas Amundson

    Scenic Designer/Technical Director
  • Costume Designer

    Joy Barlean

    Costume Designer
  • Lighting Designer

    JP Ungs

    Lighting Designer
  • Sound Designer

    Brian Dodson

    Sound Designer
  • Properties Designer

    Katie Hughes

    Properties Designer
  • Stage Manager

    Ash Howland

    Stage Manager
  • Assistant Director / Mentor Assistant

    Kim Van Haecke

    Assistant Director / Mentor Assistant
  • Assistant Music Director / Mentor Assistant

    Emma Feldhans

    Assistant Music Director / Mentor Assistant
  • Assistant Choreographer / Mentor Assistant

    Anna Sunstrom

    Assistant Choreographer / Mentor Assistant
  • Assistant Costume Designer

    Jessica Van Essen

    Assistant Costume Designer
  • Assistant Sound Designer / Mentor

    Travis Edrington

    Assistant Sound Designer / Mentor
  • Assistant Stage Manager / Mentor Assistant

    Jenny Bryant

    Assistant Stage Manager / Mentor Assistant
  • Production Assistant

    Paul Honold

    Production Assistant
  • Mentor Coordinator

    Annie Mielke

    Mentor Coordinator
  • Tech Team Coordinator

    Greg Millar

    Tech Team Coordinator
  • Tech Team Coordinator

    Ethan Saltz

    Tech Team Coordinator
  • Family Liaison

    Karen Honold

    Family Liaison
  • ASL Interpreter

    Trish Barton

    ASL Interpreter
  • Technical Crew Coordinator

    Greg Millar

    Technical Crew Coordinator
  • Technical Crew Coordinator

    Ethan Saltz

    Technical Crew Coordinator
  • Program Coordinator

    Nate Weber

    Program Coordinator
  • Artistic Director

    Katy Merriman

    Artistic Director


  • Izzabella Olson is Anna and Sabina Shelton is Elsa in The Penguin Project production of Disney’s Frozen JR, Aug. 15-18, 2024, at The Des Moines Playhouse. Photo by Steve Gibbons.

  • Disney’s Frozen JR features Izzabella Olson as Anna, Elias Andersson as Olaf, and Sabina Shelton as Elsa. The Penguin Project production of Disney’s Frozen JR is Aug. 15-18, 2024, at The Des Moines Playhouse. Photo by Steve Gibbons.

  • Disney’s Frozen JR features Sawyer Hess as Hans, Izzabella Olson as Anna, Elias Andersson as Olaf, Bowie Geigley as Sven, Eli Zimmerman as Kristoff, and Sabina Shelton as Elsa. The Penguin Project production of Disney’s Frozen JR is Aug. 15-18, 2024, at The Des Moines Playhouse. Photo by Steve Gibbons.

  • Bowie Geigley is Sven and Eli Zimmerman is Kristoff in The Penguin Project production of Disney’s Frozen JR, Aug. 15-18, 2024, at The Des Moines Playhouse. Photo by Steve Gibbons.

  • Sawyer Hess is Hans and Izzabella Olson is Anna in The Penguin Project production of Disney’s Frozen JR, Aug. 15-18, 2024, at The Des Moines Playhouse. Photo by Steve Gibbons.

Press Release

Des Moines Playhouse
Kill Date: Aug. 18, 2024
Subject: The Des Moines Playhouse Penguin Project Presents Disney’s Frozen JR
Contact: Lee Ann Bakros, Playhouse Marketing & Public Relations Director, 515-974-5358

The Des Moines Playhouse Penguin Project presents Disney’s Frozen JR., Aug. 15-18, 2024. Tickets may be purchased online at and by phone at 515-277-261. Disney’s Frozen JR is sponsored by Fareway Stores Inc, Prairie Meadows, and Workspace x Storey Kenworthy

When faced with danger, Princesses Anna and Elsa discover their hidden potential and the powerful bond of sisterhood. With a cast of beloved characters and loaded with magic, adventure, and plenty of humor, Frozen Jr. is sure to thaw even the coldest heart.

The Penguin Project is a group of special needs artists who are joined on stage by a dedicated group of peer mentors—youths the same age who have worked side-by-side with the artists through four months of rehearsals. By providing access to community theatre, The Penguin Project demonstrates that the special challenges of a disability should not handicap a child’s ability to participate in life’s experiences. The Penguin Project is a national program with 56 chapters in 24 states.

The Playhouse cast includes artists Elias Andersson, Logan Barlean, Luke Barlean, Ivelle Grace Bayasgalan, Max Bird, Whitman Birk, DJ Brown, Anna Bylund, Sofia Curtis, Indigo Ekhardt, Mia Fine, Kamilla Freeman, Konnor Fynaardt, Bowie Geigley, Jonah Gieseke, Owen Hartin, Sawyer Hess, Shae Hunt, Elizabeth Xiao Janni, Alexander Noah, Izzabella Olson, McKenna O'Meara, Daniel Pietig, Alex Shaw, Sabina Shelton, Xander Talbot, Robert Thacker, Conlon Topf, and Eli Zimmerman. The mentors are Kyleigh Barlean, Corley Blackford, Emery Blackford, Harper Butterworth, Rhya Cowden, Maddie Deyen, Isabell Edge, Kylie Halstead, Joshua Janni, Ainsley Jenkins, Kylie Jorgensen, Jaren Jorgenson, Liam Jorgenson, Porter Kimble, Maddie Lehman, Julia Neighbors, Lexi Neighbors, Paige Neighbors, Ingrid Oakley, Mya Owens, Julia Richer, Madison Sanders, Knox Schupbach, Anabelle Weis, and Annie White. Disney’s Frozen JR is directed by Derek Phelps with music direction by Sarah Jorgenson, choreography by Natalie Thomas, scenic design by Nicholas Amundson, costume design by Joy Barlean, and lighting design by JP Ungs.

The Playhouse mission is to create extraordinary, shared experiences through live theatre. The Playhouse vision is to be the home for artistic collaboration where any story can be told. Located at the 42nd Street exit of I-235, the theatre has presented a full season of shows since 1919 and also offers a wide variety of educational experiences including classes for ages 4 to adult, theatre trips to New York, and volunteer opportunities onstage and backstage.

For more information about The Playhouse, Penguin Project, and Disney’s Frozen JR, visit or call 515-277-6261.

Penguin Project: Disney’s Frozen JR
Performances: 7:00 PM Thursday-Saturday, 2:00 PM Sunday, Aug. 15-18, 2024
Tickets: $13 all ages
Purchase at or 515-277-6261
ASL is offered at all four performances.


Show Credits

Music & Lyrics by Kristen Anderson-Lopez & Robert Lopez

Book by Jennifer Lee

Based on the Disney film written by Jennifer Lee and directed by Chris Buc & Jennifer Lee

Presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI),

Sponsored by

  • Fareway Stores Inc
  • Prairie Meadows
  • Workspace x Storey Kenworthy